Today is December 28, 2024 and the time is 7:13 PM EST in Alexandria, VA.

Alexandria sunrise time : 12:29 utc
Tokyo sunset time : 07:32 utc
Tokyo sunset is 4.95 hours before Alexandria sunrise on this date.

UTC Alexandria, VA Tokyo, Japan Grayland, WA Lubec, ME
sunrise sunsetsunrise sunsetsunrise sunsetsunrise sunset
12:29 21:51 21:52 07:32 16:05 00:31 12:08 20:50
Local 07:29 16:51 06:52 16:32 08:05 16:31 07:08 15:50

60-day graph with solar wind
[ same as above with multiple y axes ]
[ same as above on separate, stacked graphs with TP reception index ]
[ same as above on separate, stacked graphs with TP reception index - last 120 days ]
[ same as above on separate, stacked graphs with TP reception index - last 240 days ]
[ same as above on separate, stacked graphs with TP reception index - last 365 days ]

Last 7 days with comments at bottom
[ same as above with multiple y axes, no comments, 10 days ]
[ same as above on separate, stacked graphs ]

Monthly average of Victoria, BC TP/DU reception as a TABLE

Monthly average of Victroia, BC TP/DU reception as a GRAPH

Bi-monthly average of Victoria, BC TP/DU reception as a stacked BAR GRAPH

Tri-monthly average ov Vic TP/DU rxn

WWV SWPC A, K and solar flux for today

WWV SWPC solar wind speed for this month

Dst for this month

Auroral donut animation

Last 14 days of GEOS-15 geomag data

Last 10 days of GEOS-15 2MeV electron flux

Sunrise Alex vs Sunset Tokyo

Indices for range of dates

Real-time solar wind

VE6WZ geomag webpage

Polar Cap [PC] index